Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Feature: Memory work

So this week's feature is a little out of the ordinary. It's been a busy week with Gramma and Papa here, and there hasn't been much work done on worksheets, artwork, or even random projects in the playroom. So instead of showing what's come out of the two kiddos, today feels like the day to highlight what's going into them.

Growing up Southern Baptist, memorizing Bible verses was always a part of my spiritual life. There was a verse every week to recite in Sunday School, and in the summertime, Bible drills during Vacation Bible School proved who knew their books and verses best.

Part of the summer Coussoule Curriculum is to memorize one verse each week. I used Google and my own memories to pick the twelve verses that I thought were most important for kids to know by heart. In the weeks when they get the verse down pat before Saturday, I put a bonus verse up on the bulletin board for them to work on. Two weeks into the summer, we've memorized three verses, are almost there with the fourth, and have bonus verse #2 in the works.

So far, the memory work has done exactly what I hoped - it's given me and Justin the opportunity to talk about what the verses mean and why they're important.

Depending on how this summer goes, we may have to break out Exodus 20:12 for a refresher here and there.

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